Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dragonball Evolution: Will it survive?

This movie had been discussed quite regularly recently. From what I read, most of the people on the web feel that this movie will go downhill rather than uphill. I can't blame them really because the people behind the movie change quite a lot of things from the original manga series that made most of the fans pissed off. I personally quite disappointed that they changed the plot from the original. That is quite a turned off for me at least.

But, there is still hope. I mean, the trailers look quite good. In fact, come to think of it, maybe the change of plot was a good move. I can't imagine if they stick with the original storyline and it sucks, I probably would not be able to read the manga without thinking how bad the movie was. That would be a major turned off. Besides, I kinda like Emmy Rossum. So hopefully she did well as Bulma in the movie. :D

Here's the trailer to Dragonball Evolution that I got from IGN (thanx!). The movie had already been released in most of Asian countries (maybe because of the popularity of the manga) and I did tried to get a ticket for a midnight show last Friday but sadly the cinema hall was already full. Hopefully I can find some other day to watch it.

Enjoy the trailer! :-)

1 comment:

Eugenia Loli said...

I read on that you need help with Lost. Email me and I will bring you up to speed. I am a big Lost fan.