Wednesday, February 4, 2009

At last! I'm a PS2 owner!

Finally! On 24th of January 2009, I had officially became a PS2 owner! I had a long break from office for Chinese New Year so my cousins and I, along with my little sister, went for a PS2 hunt at a shopping mall to find the best bargain.

I was so excited to finally have my own PS2. I had been dreaming for it for years now and finally that dream came true. I know it's not a big deal to most of you. Some of you may already have a game console in your living room since the day it was released and some of you may even have every game consoles in the market in your living room right now. And maybe some of you don't even bother to have one because for you, it's just a game console, nothing more. But for me, it's such a big deal because I love video games so much but was unable to buy one before because of so many problems, primarily because of financial status. So to finally have one, it's like...YAY! I hope you guys get what I mean. Haha!

Anyway, I'm sorry again for not updating my blog regularly like I used to. Hopefully I will post more posts in the future. Till then, tata!

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