Thursday, November 20, 2008

Any bold prediction?

So tonight is the finale of TARA 3. I can't wait! Who's gonna win it this time? The Philippines couple, Geoff & Tisha? The Malaysian moms Ida & Tania? The Hong Kong friends Sam & Vince?

In my humble opinion, all 3 teams had a good chance in winning this. My guess would be Geoff & Tisha 1st, Ida & Tania 2nd and Sam & Vince 3rd. But if based on favorites, of course I want Ida & Tania to win this race, they are my favourite team! But it could be Sam & Vince too based on Sony commercial. Argh...I don't know! Anyway, I don't really mind coz I think all 3 teams deserve to win. So I'm happy whatever the result will be.

Anything could happen in this race. You'll never know until you watch it to the end.

Let the countdown begins.


Ahn Yona said...

How I wished I could comment on most of ur postings on TV shows macm TARA3 tu...iyo la, umah den takdo ASTRO ko, apo ko kan...hehehe! Keep up meng-up-date-kan para bloggers dan viewers dengan info terkini, hiburan sensasi ya! Peace!

Ahn Yona said...

I tuned into this morning kan, I'm amazed by legions of callers who sounded excited over TARA3...they were talking about the show the whole morning hehe!