Sunday, July 29, 2012

Salam Ramadhan 1433

We are in the midst of the holy month of Ramadhan, so to all Muslims in the world, I wish you all Salam Ramadhan. May Allah give us all strength to go through the fasting month and hopefully we can reflect ourselves to become a better person. It is a great month for us to be closer to Allah; do Tarawih prayers, recite Al-Quran more often, give sincere donation and do good to other people. And don't forget to pay Zakat. I pray us all success in whatever we do in this sacred month and hopefully we will become a better Muslim / Muslimah. Amin.

To those of you who don't know, Ramadhan is the ninth month and the holy month in the Islamic Calender. In this month, Muslims all around the world will fast during the day (from dawn until sunset), do Tarawih prayers during the night, and pay Zakat (a sort of charity to the poor and less-fortunate). Muslims are also urged to recite the Al-Quran more often, give Sadaqa or donation to those who needed (poor people, homeless people, etc) and refrain themselves from doing anything sinful (like talking bad about other people behind their back or being rude to other people). It is the month for Muslims to learn self-control and discipline themselves to become a better person.

So, again to all Muslims, Salam Ramadhan!

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