Monday, October 15, 2012

K (anime) ~ Episode 1 and Episode 2 review

Okay, so I had watched episode 1 and 2 of the new anime, K, that had started airing on Animax Asia only last week, and here what I think about it.

In my opinion, episode 1 started really strong with viewers already thrown into interesting fight scenes early on. But story-wise, it is still very confusing what the commotion was all about. But that's normal, I guess, for episode 1 of an anime, or any TV series. Some cool characters were introduced, like Mikoto Suō and Anna Kushina, but my favourite has to be the main character of the show, Yashiro Isana. I didn't know he would be the main character since the promo for the anime seems to show that he would just be a supporting character. But I'm glad that he is, because Yashiro is such an interesting and mysterious character.

The visual for the anime is rather unique, mostly because of the colour that the studio use for the anime. It didn't use normal colouring instead it seems to only utilise a few major colour like blue and red to make up most of the scenes. But personally, it didn't distract me while I'm watching, in fact I think it helps K to stand out from the other anime series. The camera techniques and angles are good and quite high-standard too, like when the camera follows a character while he was on a skateboard or when the camera zoom in  through a glass marble when a character was looking through it. These techniques help K looks "expensive".

Episode 2 focused on another interesting character known as Kurō Yatogami, as he located Yashiro at his school after he initially managed to be captured by him. This episode also featured more humour and shows that K is not all action and serious. I was excited although a bit surprised at first when they included a lot of jokes in this episode, as I think the tone seemed quite different that what was previously set by episode 1. Nevertheless, I'm happy with it, and I think this will be the tone (a mixture of action and humour) that will be set throughout the series.

I still don't understand the whole concept of the world that K was set in. Viewers did see some powers that a few of these characters had in these 2 episodes but nothing were explained regarding it. Homura clan seems to be like a group of organized thugs that are well-known and feared by the townsfolk while Scepter 4 looks like the "police force" of the city. And something about Ashinaka High School, the school that Yashiro attended, that seemed special and somewhat mysterious. I mean, it's located entirely on an island and is isolated from the city. Would the school be explored more in future episodes?

So that's what I think about the anime K, based on the first 2 episodes. Did you watch the anime? If you do, what do you think about it? And if you don't, you can watch it on Animax Asia every Friday at 1:35 am for Animax Same Day Telecast program, or watch the encore telecast at 6:30 pm. K will also has its repeat on Saturday at 11:30 pm with the previous week's episode aired before that.

Images from K official website.

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