This animation looks really cool, plus the post-apocalyptic setting makes it stands out from the rest of your 'normal' animation from Hollywood. Well, it is from Tim Burton. I'm not going to say more, you can just click here or here to enjoy the awesome trailer. I really wish this movie will come to Malaysia because I have a bad feeling that it won't.
U.S. release date: September 9, 2009
Malaysia release date: TBA

This movie stars Kate Beckinsale. Enough said, I'm going to see this flick. Wait, you want more? Okay, okay...It's about a lone U.S. Deputy Marshal (Kate Beckinsale's character) who was stationed at a research base in Antarctica investigating a murder, well maybe a couple of murders (I'm not sure actually). That's enough right? What...more? Fine, click here to watch the trailer. I'm off to mark my calender.
U.S. release date: September 11, 2009
Malaysia release date: October 15, 2009

It would be crazy to list interesting movies to watch this last few months of the year without mentioning Avatar. Avatar the cartoon, you say? Sheesh, where have you been? It's an upcoming film from James Cameron, the one who brought you Titanic, remember him? Avatar would change the way we see movies, or so he said. Anyway, I would definitely not miss this movie since the trailer looks so fantastic. You can click here to be amazed.
U.S release date: December 18, 2009
Malaysia release date: December 17, 2009

I discovered this movie when I randomly click on a link to watch a movie trailer. I know nothing about this movie before that. Lucky for me to have click it, because this film looks great. It's a science-fiction film based on a comic book series of the same name, and it stars one of my favourite actor, Bruce Willis. I don't really know how to explain the premise for the movie (partly because I don't read the comic books) so I would let the trailer do all the talking. Enjoy the trailer below courtesy of IGN. You can click here to go to the official site.
U.S. release date: September 25, 2009
Malaysia release date: October 8, 2009
I think that's all from me. This is the final part, part 3, for What to watch? September-December 2009 series of posts. Please check out previous posts for part 1 and part 2. Thank you for reading.
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